英検準1級面接イラストサンプル 高齢者の運転と自動運転









You have one minute to prepare.

This is a story about an old man who want to drive a car.
You have two minutes to narrate the story.

Your story should begin with the following sentence:
One day, an old man said to his family.


No. 1 イラストに関連した質問
Please look at the third picture. If you were the old man’s son, what would you be thinking?

No. 2 問題カードのトピックに関連した質問
Do you believe that a self-driving car is beneficial for our society?

No. 3 問題カードのトピックに関連した質問
Do you think that young people do not want to have their own cars?

No. 4 問題カードのトピックにやや関連した、社会性のある質問
Do you think electric vehicle can solve the environmental problems in the future?


One day, an old man said to his family. “I can drive a car”. His son said to him. “Please be careful because the elderly tends to make mistakes when driving.” A few hours later, he started to drive a car on the road. When driving, he suddenly changed his cars position without checking his next lane and nearly hit a fire truck. The fire truck driver got angry and said. “It is dangerous!” Finally, he crashed his car to a pole and his car was completely broken. His car was scrapped. He lost his car but lucky he did not have any injuries. A year later, he bought an autonomous car which can be driveled by itself. He don’t need to concern about his driving technique anymore. He said “self-driving car is useful”.

No. 1 イラストに関連した質問
Please look at the third picture. If you were the old man’s son, what would you be thinking?

解答例:I would be thinking that I have to make him stop driving because it was really dangerous for him to drive a car.

No. 2 問題カードのトピックに関連した質問
Do you believe that a self-driving car is beneficial for our society?

解答例:Yes. There are a lot of the elderly in Japan and cars are required for them especially in the countryside. By using self-driving car, there are no concerns for them to cause accidents.

No. 3 問題カードのトピックに関連した質問
Do you think that young people do not want to have their own cars?

解答例:Yes. Yes. It is difficult for young people to have their own cars because tax payment and social security is getting bigger and bigger. Also, there are a lot of things to enjoy today such as games therefore they don’t need to buy cars for their hobbies.

No. 4 問題カードのトピックにやや関連した、社会性のある質問
Do you think electric vehicle can solve the environmental problems in the future?

解答例:Yes. It does not emit Carbon dioxide and toxic gases such as NOx. By using them, we can stop global warming and air pollution in the future.


  • フィリピン人の先生が優しく指導
  • 英検準1級面接対策を無料体験で2回受講可能




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